- 作品名称:纽约(ELEANOR ETTINGER GALLERY)画廊个展^-^One-Man Exhibition at Eleanor Ettinger Gallery (New York,USA)
- 作品名称:纽约(ELEANOR ETTINGER GALLERY)画廊个展^-^One-Man Exhibition at Eleanor Ettinger Gallery (New York,USA)
- 作品名称:日本埼玉县美术馆个展^-^One-Man Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Saitama Japan
- 作品名称:日本埼玉县美术馆个展^-^One-Man Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Saitama Japan
- 作品名称:日本中央美术馆个展^-^One-Man Exhibition at the Tokyo Central Museum
- 作品名称:在画作品《临水的阳台》^-^Painting Waterfront Balcony
- 作品名称:在江南水乡取材^-^Sketching in China's River District
- 作品名称:与父亲^-^With father
- 作品名称:与母亲^-^With mother
- 作品名称:与父母、妻子和儿子^-^With parents wife and son
- 作品名称:与儿子孙君杰在日本中央美术馆个展^-^With son (Sun Junjie) in One-Man Exhibition at the Tokyo Central Museum
- 作品名称:与妻子张继英和儿子孙君杰^-^With wife(Zhang Jiying) and son (Sun Junjie)